im already gone.

lyrics is so touched.
i dun noe why i like diz song.

where we take this road'
someone gotta go'
and i want you to know'
you couldn't have love me better'
but dont want nobody move on'
i just need to know the truth from your mouth'
so im already gone.......

ma gurl turn to hip hop singer.hahaha

platinum edition on available in i tunes and market worldwide.

hye all...

skunk ngah cti.
agak bosan gak dok umah.
nk kuar tpi rse mcm x sehat.
pe lagi tdo ah.


hye everyone.
im actually new in this "blogging" stuff.
i totally have no idea how to running this.
so if someone there know how to "deal" with this stuff.
please let me know keyh.
i will appreciate your help.
(perlu ker speaking omputih dlm nih?mcm r dowang nk bce an)
papehal.tolong la yek.